Words in the Bucket
Meet the Afghan Women Challenging Media Dominance (ENGLISH)
The Borgen Project
Sahar Speaks Gives Voice to Afghan Female Journalists (ENGLISH)
Baltic news site Delfi
'Ready to die if need be: life as a journalist in Afghanistan' (LATVIAN)
Huck Magazine
'The Unheard Stories of Afghan Women Journalists'
BBC Persian
'The voice of Afghan women on the London stage' (FARSI)
Australia's Collective Hub Magazine
'Changing Voices'
India's newsd
'A unique programme to empower Afghanistan’s women journalists'
'Głos połowy kraju - kobieca rewolucja w postrzeganiu Afganistanu' (POLISH)
RTL News
'Das haben afghanische Frauen zu erzählen' (GERMAN)
The Red Elephant Foundation
'Sahar Speaks'
'Afghanische Journalistinnen erzählen ihre Geschichte' (GERMAN)
'Female reporters battle to have their stories heard'
'Opowieści z Afganistanu: tam, gdzie kobiety biorą sprawy w swoje ręce' (POLISH)
La Nación
'Sahar Speaks: Afganistán escrito a puño y letra de mujer' (SPANISH)
News Deeply
'Afghan Women Break Taboos to Report Their Stories'
Minnesota Public Radio
'A breakthrough for Afghan women: a byline
Radio Free Europe
'Young Afghan Women Defy Detractors To Become Journalists'
The Future of News
'Sahar Speaks: Empowering Afghan women to share their stories' (VIDEO)
Žurnál Pravda
Pomáha Afgankám, aby správy šírili aj ženy (SLOVAK)
'Amie Ferris-Rotman on female journalists in Afghanistan: The biggest issue is sexism in a country where men enjoy far more freedoms and opportunities than women.'
'Sahar Speaks'
The World Post (The Huffington Post)
'Brave Women Are Challenging The Sexist Media Industry In Afghanistan. Here’s How.'
The Solutions Journal
'Sahar Speaks Encourages Afghan Women to Tell Their Own Stories'
The World Post (The Huffington Post)
'Introducing Sahar Speaks, A New Initiative Empowering Afghan Women To Tell Their Own Stories'
The Nieman Lab
'Sahar Speaks, partnered with The Huffington Post, aims to open doors for female reporters from Afghanistan'
Stanford Daily
'Stanford Knight Fellow promotes female journalists in Afghanistan'
George W. Bush Presidential Center Publications
'Sahar Speaks! to launch training and mentoring program for Afghan female journalists'
John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford
'Sahar Speaks: Reporting by Afghan women'